They did a free estimate on my car that had a transmission problem. They didn't tell me without looking at my car that it needed the transmission replaced like the first few places I went to did. Instead they quoted in writing exactly what needed to be done to the whole car after testing it as it should be done! Turns out the transmission is fine and I just needed a new speed censor, saving me a couple grand at least. The mechanic showed me a few problems, taking me to my car and explaining what was wrong and why. I was not treated at all like a "clueless" woman. Overall, they are a very helpful bunch and very reasonably priced! These are good guys, they are honest and I will be staying with them.
They did a free estimate on my car that had a transmission problem. They didn't tell me without looking at my car that it needed the transmission replaced like the first few places I went to did. Instead they quoted in writing exactly what needed to be done to the whole car after testing it as it should be done! Turns out the transmission is fine and I just needed a new speed censor, saving me a couple grand at least. The mechanic showed me a few problems, taking me to my car and explaining what was wrong and why. I was not treated at all like a "clueless" woman. Overall, they are a very helpful bunch and very reasonably priced! These are good guys, they are honest and I will be staying with them.